The Sharp Edge of the Sword Podcast

With Major Tom Baird and Professor Tom Mack

In the middle of November, Shannon Davis announced the scaling back of his Omegaman Radio Broadcast. After discussions with Shannon about the future of his broadcast, Major Baird has decided to create the Sharp Edge of the Sword Broadcast to continue the work started on Omegaman Radio. Major Baird will continue to do special programs on Omegaman Radio, as will Professor Tom Mack, but their main operation will be this new special podcast. They will continue to analyse current events, study Bible Prophecy, and also study history.

Please note that Major Baird will be on periodically while he is recovering from his eye surgery. He would appreciate all of your prayer during this time.

To download this video, click here.

We will let you know where these videos and audios will be uploaded.

Stew Peters has recently uploaded another part to his program: Watch the Water with Dr. Bryan Ardis, D.C. He adds considerable information to his initial podcast done last year.

To download this Podcast, click here.

In case you have never seen the first episode in this series, we have uploaded this one so you can watch it.

To download this video, click here.

In this program, we will analyze a recent prophetic study by Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, which you listen to either on stream below or download to your own computer.

Click here to download the video file.
Click Here to Download a PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation.
Click Here to visit Dr. Stephen Pidgeon's Website.

We will also be checking in on the COVID-19 Scandal from time to time. Below is a video of Stew Peters Production: Died Suddenly

Click Here to visit to view the video.

Click Here to download the program to your computer.

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