Major Tom Baird and Professor Tom Mack Programs for 2024
The Night Visions of Major Baird:
April 2, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Major Baird goes over a vision he received on March 28, 2024. Professor Mack shares warnings from the April 8 Solar Eclipse starting in Eagle Point, Texas and finishing in Ninevah, Nova Scotia and flying close to Oak Island. Major Baird gives a teaching on the evils of presumption.
Professor Mack is interested in what really happened at Oak Island that the Masons are NOT talking about?
Major Baird said that Psalms 1, 30, 51, and 91 should be read in conjunction with this vision.
May 16, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Consistent with the Visions of Major Baird, he and Professor Tom Mack have prepared a set of PowerPoint Presentations on How to Get Out of Babylon - Part I.
May 30, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Getting Out of Babylon... Should we leave Babylon? More on the Babylonian Republic. What happens when we do leave Babylon? What can we expect?
June 20, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Major Baird continues to share his recent visions concerning the future of the United States in Part II of this series.
SPECIAL PROGRAM - Omengaman Radio - Prof. Tom Mack shakes up the show with his program: Why Satan Wants You Saved? He goes over the corrupt church system, how it entices people into its system, and then controls how they think. He then explains how to get out of the system and have a real relationship with our Heavenly Father.
July 11, 2024 - Major Baird talks about his experiences dealing with Hurricane Beryl. Prof. Tom Mack also shares his experiences developing the music that helped divert the hurricane from the main island. At the end of the program, Major Baird shared his March 28, 2024 open vision.
On August 22, 2024, Prof. Mack and Major Baird started a new series titled Israel in Danger. This series will revisit all of the "pressure points" in the history of Israel that could have ended that country at that period in time.
The first series goes over the history of Balaam the witch. How did he become a witch? How did his witchcraft practice go? Where did he practice? We will deal with this and more.
On August 29, 2024, Major Tom Baird and Professor Tom Mack continues the Israel is Danger series continuing their study of Balaam the witch, looking into some extra-biblical information on Balaam and how it complements with the Biblical presentation. They look into the Book of Jasher, a book mentioned by the Biblical Books of Joshua and II Samuel to find some interesting intelligence.
On Thursday September 5, 2024, Professor Mack and Major Baird continue their Israel in Danger series finishing their study of Balaam the Witch, by studying his witchcraft and understanding how to deal with witchcraft in deliverance, but also how to avoid the traps witches and sorcerers can inflict on unwary believers.
On Thursday, September 12, 2024, Professor Mack and Major Baird continue their Israel in Danger Series by studying the emerging Kingships of Israel. They will study the Torah conditions for a king. They, they go over the Prophet Samuel's warning about what Israel will be like when they do have a king. Then, they go over the emergence of King Saul.
On Thursday, September 19, 2024, Professor Mack and Major Baird continued their Israel in Danger series by doing Part II of Saul's kingship. They studied the fall of the kingdom of Saul and the various elements in that fall. Then, they cover the rise of David, prior to his ascension of the throne of Israel.
On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Professor Mack continued the Israel in Danger series by discussing the rise of King David to the throne of Israel, including the Civil War with Ish-bosheth, Saul's remaining son, the intrigues of Ish-bosheth's Chief-of-Staff Abner, and the eventual agreement to merge the Houses of Israel and Judah. Finally, Prof. Mack goes over David's second biggest sin: the numbering of Israel and the price David had to pay to absolve himself of that sin.
October 3, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Prof. Mack and Major Baird continue their series: Israel in Danger, this time covering the transition from King David to King Solomon. In this study, we see that while King David was incredible on the battlefront, sometimes at home, he left some things undone. The study will reveal these issues and how the Kingdom of Israel finally solved them.
October 10, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Prof. Mack and Major Baird have interrupted their Israel in Danger Series to do a special economic update tonight and next week. Using Revelation 6-7, they update their programs to introduce information that was not available to them when they discussed this subject a few years ago on Omegaman Radio.
October 17, 2024 - Omegaman Radio - Prof. Mack and Major Baird continue their Special Economic Update based upon Revelation chapters 6 and seven. In this program, they will discuss the entrance of Typhon, a star-comet which is the Judgment of Yahuah on the world for their wickedness.
November 27, 2024 - Prof. Mack and Maj. Baird will be discussing how returning Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States will affect the United States and world economies. Tonight, we will be evaluating the performance of the Stock Market in general and a couple of sectors specifically to see where the economy will be heading. Here are the stock market sheets for tonight: